All thematic areas of Blue Sea Land are based on Blue Ecoonomy principles:
Blue Food: Gastronomic workshops and tastings that promote Sicilian agro-food and seafood specialties in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East countries. In addition, experts in scientific research - through practical examples – will inform consumers about typical Sicilian products in order to enhance the gastronomic and culinary use. In order to promote, protect and preserve Sicilian products quality of agricultural sector, tastings will be organized and addressed to the international target that will be present in MazaradelVallo during the event. Foreign delegations and buyers will be able to deepen their knowledge about products, discovering main features and uses in Mediterranean cuisine.
Blue Workshop: Technical-scientific, educational, political and cultural conferences and seminars. Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Mediterranean Basin, the Arab world, Africa and the Middle East will take part to the event.
Blue Young: Young students from different cultures and ethnic groups will participate actively to the activities organized, to exchange ideas and experiences on issues related to the Blue Economy and to Mediterranean political-economic system.
Blue Business (B2B): Meeting spaces for national and international buyers of agro - food and fisheries productions (as well as boats equipment, systems etc.) and entrepreneurs of production chains.
Blue Technology: Practical demonstrations of new technologies tested according Blue Economy.
Blue Art: Photographic exhibitions, expositions, book reviews on sea and Agro-food subjects with the support of the Museum of Gibellina which will provide spaces and will host main artistic and cultural initiatives, having as theme Sicilian gastronomic tradition.
Blue Security: Exhibition stands of Italian and Foreign military forces that foster - through practical demonstrations and promotional material - legality, technical cooperation for safety and environmental protection.
Blue Wine Art: Spaces, hosting wine producers, where visitors will be able to taste excellent agro-food specialties.
Blue Shows: Fun attractions and entertainment for visitors of the event.
Blue Sea Land Expo, Italy, 2016

Blue Sea Land is an holistic event, a blend of cultures and traditions in a multi-cultural and multi-sectorial frame, a crossroads of peoples and religions of the Mediterranean, Africa, Middle East areas.
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